Ep. 121: NCG Book Club: Love + Work

When was the last time... "you lost track of time, utterly engaged with what you were doing?" "you instinctively volunteered for something?" "you surprised yourself with how well you did?" These intriguing questions are from NYT Best Selling Author, Marcus Buckinghams's most recent publication Love + Work - the focus of this week's episode! Four of our NCG Team Members, Brian Nolan, Kathryn Freeman, Colin Nolan & Sydney Bates host this edition of the NCG Book Club for an engaging discussion. The discussion revolves around what it means to "love" what you do and understanding how you can use what you love to reveal your unique talents and pinpoint what makes YOU stand out from others. We're incorporating the strategies from Love +Work into our culture here at NCG's going forward... So if you hear us talking about the power of identifying our "red threads" and are looking for context, pick up a copy of the book and get in on the conversation!