Ep. 120: Values & Culture ~Excerpts from the Job Site Leadership Training~
This week we're featuring an excerpt from our Job Site Leadership Workshop - one of the most requested development courses that we offer here at Nolan Consulting Group.
Facilitated by NCG Managing Partner Brian Nolan, and Conal Mulreany, Field Supervisor at Nolan Painting & Field Consultant at NCG, this workshop is designed to provide Production Management leaders with the critical awareness of each leg of the Operational Stool: Employee Management, Customer Management & Job Management. This particular excerpt begins with an element that impacts the culture of the field environment - values. Do your employees understand the values of your company - are they living those values in the workplace?
The discussion also taps into the power of emotional intelligence. As a leader and manager of people, how do you respond to situations - both positive and negative? Are you aware of the impact your words have?
To quote Benjamin Franklin, "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place at the right time but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at a tempting moment."
Brian and Conal are passionate about this topic, and no matter what industry you are in, this discussion will impact your leadership.