Ep. 170: Levels of Work: Problem Solving, Decision Making & The Power of Delegating

Andrew Amrhein, Sr. Business Coach and Director of Finance at Nolan Consulting Group is back on the podcast speaking to a topic he is so very passionate about - Levels of Work and Timespan! This is  a concept we’ve spoken to quite a bit on Out of the Hourglass, we have an introductory series and follow up episodes on interviewing and role clarity and today, we continue the conversation. 

We are talking about Decision Making & Problem Solving - employees within your organization need to be able to make decisions and solve problems at the levels of tasks in which they are working. How do we know the folks in our team are capable of making decisions? How do we test this, train this? The organization's success depends on this and all roads point to delegation. 

Creators and Guests

Molly Nolan
Molly Nolan
Marketing & Program Manager at Nolan Consulting Group, a Coaching & Consulting firm focused on the Trades Industry.