Ep. 168: 2024 is on the Horizon - We are Gearing up for Annual Planning

Last year in early October, Brian and I recorded an episode on Annual Planning and the framework involved and it’s a great conversation - it’s tangible and engaging. So I thought, let’s bring it back - but we need to be talking about this topic NOW - In September!! 

THIS is the time to think about getting started - to get the meetings scheduled, the communication plan for the plan in place. 

At NCG, we are intentional about the planning process. We believe it is essential to devote time to strategically think about the year ahead, align with your vision, define the Big Rocks, and focus on goals.

No matter your company size - big or small, there are ways to approach this season with newfound energy, team participation, and excitement for the year ahead. Brian highlights where to start, different frameworks to work through and recommendations for getting the process started on the right foot.

Creators and Guests

Molly Nolan
Molly Nolan
Marketing & Program Manager at Nolan Consulting Group, a Coaching & Consulting firm focused on the Trades Industry.