Ep. 148: Putting the Cascading Planning Cycle to Work: The Monthly Core 3

Colin Nolan, Sr Business Coach here at Nolan Consulting Group is ready to bring us all back into the mindset of planning…we are just about to wrap up Q1 of 2023 after all!

As many of you are all familiar with, here at Nolan Consulting Group, we coach the structure of our planning model, the Cascading Planning Cycle(CPC). The cycle is a core set of planning activities from annual, quart and monthly meetings that  produce guiding documents for vision achievement at all levels in an organization. 

We do recognize, though it’s a familiar term in a broad sense to those who have been around for a while, the practice of implementing the cycle and the components within are sometimes overlooked.  Questions around …which meetings should I begin within, who to involve, how long should the meeting be, what are we talking about at that meeting, often become the barriers to implementation. And that is exactly why we are here today. 

We’ll focus on the Cascading Planning Cycle, specially on a handful of podcasts through this year, and to start - Colin and I want to focus on the Monthly Meetings. There are three core monthly meetings involved in the CPC and we’re going to give you the guidance to get these on the calendar, prepare your agenda, and share the impact structure can bring to your planning behaviors.

This episode is brought to you by Penntek, a Gold Level Grand Summit Sponsor and a supporting partner of the Summit Member Group. . 

Creators and Guests

Molly Nolan
Molly Nolan
Marketing & Program Manager at Nolan Consulting Group, a Coaching & Consulting firm focused on the Trades Industry.