Ep. 142: Lean Series Continued: A focus on DMAIC

We are back with NCG Business Coach, Jim Bradley for a continuation of the LEAN Podcast Series here at Out of the Hourglass. We kicked off the series back in the Fall of 2022 and today we’re keeping the discussion moving, taking a closer look at another process used within the LEAN Lens - DMAIC! Yes, that too is another acronym. In our last episode we worked the TIMWOODS process - one it used to help us identify forms of waste or "flow interrupters" in a process. DMAIC is what comes next - once we have identified the “waste” or issues with flow, this tool is used to begin to focus on the solution. If you are just jumping into the series now, make sure to first listen to Episode 131: LEAN Principles - where we introduce the LEAN concept.

Creators and Guests

Molly Nolan
Molly Nolan
Marketing & Program Manager at Nolan Consulting Group, a Coaching & Consulting firm focused on the Trades Industry.